Protection/Environmental Health

GHHA recognizes the impact of the environment on our health and well-being. Environmental health examines our relationship with safe living spaces, clean air, safe drinking water, and nutritious food. GHHA discourages deforestation and burning of trees, eliminates gender-based violence, and advocates for rights regardless of sex, especially the right to education. GHHA also focuses on street outreach, counseling, rehabilitation, and reintegration of street children.

GHHA aims to promote and protect human rights, particularly among the most marginalized and vulnerable populations in South Sudan. The specific goals include:

  • Protection of women and children from gender-based violence and other forms of abuse

  • Protection of the rights of people with disabilities

  • Advocacy for the rights of indigenous peoples and minorities

  • Promotion of environmental conservation and management practices

  • Emergency response to natural disasters such as floods, droughts, and disease outbreaks